Prime Advice That Will Kick Your Acid Reflux To The Curb
Prime Advice That Will Kick Your Acid Reflux To The Curb
Acid reflux is a condition more commonly known as heartburn, and it affects millions of people. It is described as a burning sensation just behind the breastbone and is caused by regurgitation of gastric acid. The information in this article can help sufferers find relief for this recurring and uncomfortable problem.
If you're experiencing acid reflux lately, try a new diet that consists of low-acid foods. Avoid spicy or acidic foods and eat your food slowly. If you still get acid reflux, it's probably time to check in with your doctor. Although your problem may not be serious, it may require medication that your doctor can recommend or prescribe.
When your symptoms are at their worst, mix 1 teaspoon of regular baking soda with eight ounces of water. Drink this slowly, one sip at a time, until your symptoms subside. Do NOT do this every day as baking soda contains a great deal of sodium which can lead to a myriad of other health problems.
While vinegar tastes great on salads or french fries, anyone with acid reflux should avoid eating it. Vinegar, along with citrus fruit and tomatoes, is high in acid, and the more acid you eat, the more acid will return up your esophagus and cause you pain and discomfort after meals.
Loosen up if you've been dealing with too much acid reflux. Your clothing, that is. Tight pants, close-fitting shirts or pantyhose can make symptoms of acid reflux much worse. If you can, put a robe on or other over-sized and very comfy clothes and take it easy. Your symptoms should at least be somewhat alleviated.
Learn your trigger foods. When you know what foods or beverages cause you acid reflux, you can avoid them to keep your symptoms to a minimum. Some foods that often cause symptoms are foods that are fried, fatty, spicy and carbonated drinks. These are just some examples and what bothers someone else, might not bother you.
If you suffer from acid reflux you can help alleviate the symptoms and pain by watching what you eat. Eating foods that are high in acidic content will greatly increase the amount of pain you feel from this condition. Try to avoid eating foods like tomatoes, corn, canned fruits, or any other of the thousands of foods that are high in acidic content.
Wear clothes that are loose-fitting and comfortable. If you wear clothes that are too constricting and tight, they will put added pressure around your abdomen and your lower esophageal sphincter. When your abdomen area is free from any added stress, it can do its job much better and tight fitting clothes do not allow this.
Losing some weight can help with your acid reflux. Being overweight can contribute to heartburn. The extra pounds can cause excess pressure on the stomach making the LES or lower esophageal sphincter relax causing backflow. Extra body fat can also release some chemicals that interfere with normal digestion. Losing a few pounds can relieve many of these symptoms and keep heartburn to a minimum.
Skip the antacid. An antacid is fine if you only suffer from acid reflux occasionally, however more frequent sufferers should look for better treatment options. An antacid is only a temporary fix, working to mask the pain. It does nothing to treat the underlying cause of the problem. Using antacids too frequently can even cause your stomach to start producing more acid in response.
Lose weight if you are overweight. That extra weight may be triggering your acid reflux. It puts unnecessary pressure on your stomach which, in turn, causes all sorts of heartburn issues. Therefore, lose some weight, even just a few pounds, in order to relieve your acid reflux.
If you have acid reflux disease, avoid exercising right after a meal. When your stomach is trying to digest food, it is not smart to work out and have the food moving all around in your stomach; this can lead to acid reflux. It is wise to weight at least an hour after a meal to exercise.
If you are at risk of acid reflux, don't exercise too vigorously. An intense workout can aggravate the digestive track and increase the likelihood of reflux after meals. Walking is the perfect way to keep fit and reduce or maintain a healthy body weight to further reduce the risk of acid reflux. Start slowly if you are not used to regular exercise.
Consider keeping a food diary if you suffer from reflux. There are several foods that are often found to be acid reflux triggers for some individuals. They include things like tomatoes, onions, coffee, tea and even chocolate. If you keep a food diary, you can easily spot when your reflux problems are taking place and which foods appear to be causing the problems.
Knowing your triggers is truly the only way to totally conquer your acid reflux. If you eat tomatoes and experience discomfort, stop eating tomatoes. Keep a meal diary tracking everything you eat and drink and a mood diary which logs how you feel, then compare them to see what your problem areas are.
Take the time to lose weight and your acid reflux may completely disappear. Many people only have this condition because they're overweight and the extra fat is pushing on their stomach. Others are affected by the fat itself and the chemicals it emits. When you get down to a healthy weight, you'll feel amazing.
Lunch should be your largest meal of the day. Having a large dinner means you will probably go to bed before your digestion is over. If you want to eat some foods rich in fat, have these foods for lunch and plan on having a light and healthy dinner later.
Once you have experienced acid reflux, you know you do not want it to occur again. This are some ways to prevent it and some ways to alleviate it, and some things work better than others. The information you have read in this article can help you find the best way for you to deal with the discomfort.

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